How Can You Make Learning New Words Easier for Yourself
Wouldn’t it be great if we knew how to make learning new words easier for ourselves? Here’s how.
WordUp Team

How Can You Make Learning New Words Easier for Yourself
Learning new words can seem challenging unless you use the right English learning app whether on your android or ios phone. This way the process can become much more manageable and enjoyable. To simplify the experience, it's essential to choose an app that offers a well-structured curriculum, interactive activities, personalized study plans, and effective vocabulary building tools.
A well-structured and personalized path would start from the most basic vocabulary and grammar you need to learn to more advanced language skills. Interactive activities such as quizzes, games, and speaking exercises engage learners and make the process more dynamic and fun.
Personalized study plans tailored to each learner's pace and learning style can help maximize retention and understanding. Effective vocabulary building tools, such as flashcards, word lists, and contextual usage examples, can accelerate the acquisition of new words and phrases.
By integrating these features into an English learning app, the process of gaining knowledge of a new language becomes more accessible and less intimidating. With the right tools and resources at their disposal, learners can feel more confident and motivated to expand their language skills without the need for any magic tricks.

Can We Really Make Learning Easier for Ourselves
Everyone can have one or two personal methods that make learning anything easier for them. In order to make the learning process smoother, we tend to look for ways that are in line with how our brains are tuned. In reality, we might not make the process easier, but we tend to find ways to improve our understanding.
Our best course of action is to recognise which type of learner we are and how best to use the available resources. There are several different models and theories that categorize learners into different types based on their style and preferences.
One commonly referenced model is the VARK model, which identifies four primary types of learners:
- Visual,
- Auditory,
- Reading/Writing,
- and Kinesthetic learners.

A Brief Look into the VARK Model
The VARK model was developed by Neil D. Fleming in 1987. Fleming, an education consultant at Lincoln University in New Zealand, developed the VARK model as a way to categorize and understand the diverse preferences of individuals. The model was designed to help teachers and students better identify and adapt to different styles.
Fleming's VARK model has since been widely used in educational settings and has influenced the development of teaching strategies and resources geared toward accommodating various preferences. The model has also sparked further research and discussions surrounding individualized plans and the importance of recognizing and addressing diverse styles in educational practices.
While the VARK model is widely recognized, it's essential to note that learning styles can be more nuanced and complex, and individuals may exhibit characteristics of multiple learning styles. Other models and theories propose additional learner types, emphasizing the diversity of preferences and the need for personalized and adaptable teaching methods.

1. Visual Learners
A visual learner comprehends things better when they are shown in pictures, videos, graphs, etc. A visual person communicates better with what is visible and, therefore, such elements are more tangible for them. For this type of learner, visual aids such as whiteboards, screens, pictures, videos, or tutorials are essential.
If you are a visual learner, the resources you use to learn a new language should provide you with excellent images, videos, or clips. By doing so, you can easily learn what you need to know. Because an app can be filled with visual aids, it can be an excellent English learning app for you.
Visual learners will find WordUp very convenient because it uses entertaining pictures and multimedia examples to teach new words. It also has a large number of short videos in which the users can see the word being used in real-life context. WordUp knows just how important it is for this category of learners to have the proper visual assets attached to each word they learn.

2. Auditory Learners
Auditory learners learn through listening to lectures, audios, or podcasts. The auditory learner is the only one who remembers everything after a very long lecture because they love to hear about everything. They understand different subjects and communicate what they mean using listening as their superpower.
This is the type of learner who would prefer someone explaining a new lesson to them rather than reading about it. They would also learn better in class rather than outside it. If you find yourself asking your other students to explain a certain topic to you rather than read it yourself, you belong in this category of learners.
It is a great idea to listen to an audio recording of a book, or a language podcast if you are using an English learning app. As a result of having an auditory simulation, this type of learner will be able to absorb more information. For this reason, WordUp has provided audio recordings for all the textual content, including definitions and examples. Our goal was to provide an amazing learning experience for auditory learners!

3. Kinesthetic Learners
A kinesthetic learner learns through movement. The method usually involves activities that get people out of their chairs and moving around. The activities don’t have to be something complicated. Sometimes, a simple movement, like moving the arms around, can help a kinesthetic learner refocus.
You may excel in activities that involve physical manipulation, hands-on experimentation, and interactive experiences. You may feel restless or fidgety during long periods of passive listening or reading and may benefit from movement breaks. You might find that you remember information better when you can physically engage with it, such as through role-playing, demonstrations, or interactive simulations.
You may find it helpful to take short breaks during your studies to move around, stretch, or engage in physical activity to maintain focus and retention. Kinesthetic learners often benefit from supplementing passive methods, such as lectures or reading, with hands-on activities, practical demonstrations, or physical engagement with the subject matter.
By using gamification, an English learning app can create a dynamic environment. Gamification allows learners to take control over their journey and become actively involved. Besides, it's so engaging and fun! When something is boring, no one wants to learn it.

4. Reader/Writer Learners
Readers/writers are individuals who tend to effectively process and retain information through reading and writing activities. This suggests that these learners benefit the most from written materials, such as textbooks, articles, and written instructions. They may prefer to take detailed notes, engage in reflective writing, or create written outlines to reinforce their understanding of the material.
Readers/writers often excel at comprehending information when it is presented in written form and have a preference for written assignments and assessments. These individuals may find it easier to express their thoughts and ideas through the written word, leveraging written communication as a primary means of learning and expression.
In educational settings, instructors can optimize the experience for readers/writers by providing well-organized written materials, encouraging note-taking, and offering opportunities for written expression through essays, reports, and other written assignments. Understanding and accommodating the diverse styles, including readers/writers, can contribute to a more inclusive and effective environment.

Learning Should be Fun
It is easy to understand from history that learning new words wasn't always fun. In fact, in some cultures, it was a lot closer to torture! What's strange is that somehow, it worked! Many people who went through harsh learning methods turned out very successful. However, time has changed several things since then.
It's crazy to juggle work, study, family time, as well as our social lives all at the same time. In addition, social media has succeeded in shortening our attention span. We are now programmed to skip what doesn’t interest us in a matter of a few seconds. This means keeping yourself focused on something dull is almost impossible in today's world.
Do you want to make learning new words easier? Make it fun! That’s the only way. When you enjoy something, you are more likely to return to it or even make it a habit. Making it a habit and repeating words regularly increases your chances of retaining the information. So, if you want to remember things for the rest of your life, make it fun!
Perhaps you have no idea how to do that. That's perfectly fine. You might not know how, but many people who do have created fun personal methods. Let’s take learning new words as an example. Several entertaining exercises are designed based on proven memory techniques that help you review new words. It’s such a great replacement for long and dull exercises.
It's fun but not too easy! For instance, there are many entertaining challenge cards available in WordUp. However, you need to concentrate on the questions to be able to answer them. In case you cannot, you will be given another chance to study the information. With our English learning app, you can review the words whenever you want. It's entirely up to you! That's awesome, isn't it?