
How Do Vocabulary Apps Help You Learn English Words

Learning new words? Try a new English learning app that can make all the difference for you.

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Learning English Words with Vocabulary Apps

Are you interested in learning new words and taking your English vocabulary to the next level? Here at WordUp, we understand the power of a rich and varied vocabulary in mastering the English language.

Whether you're aiming to excel in academic pursuits, enhance your professional communication, or simply engage more effectively in everyday conversations, the key lies in expanding your lexicon. In today's digital age, expanding vocabulary has been revolutionized with the use of the proper English learning app.

Let’s uncover the advantages of using the right English learning app, and specifically WordUp, in expanding your English vocabulary. Whether you're a language learner, educator, or language enthusiast, you can revolutionize the way you engage with and internalize English words.

The right English learning app can have amazing implications, and you may be interested in finding out how they operate and how they can benefit you. Is it possible to learn new words more effectively with them? Let’s find out.


Language Learning Applications

Language learning applications are one of the most amazing legacies of technology. It’s so wonderful that now everyone can learn any language without breaking a sweat. It doesn’t matter where you live or how much background knowledge you have of your target language. Just install a good language learning app, and you are good to go.

Language applications offer interactive features such as games and challenges that make the process of vocabulary acquisition engaging and enjoyable. These interactive elements are designed to reinforce your studies and retention, making the acquisition of new words a dynamic and memorable experience.

These applications often incorporate diverse multimedia resources such as audio pronunciation, visual aids, and example sentences, catering to different styles. This multimodal approach enhances understanding and retention, accommodating different preferences.

There are many benefits to learning a new language through an app. For instance, previously, if you wished to learn a new language you had to take classes or hire language tutors. Everything sounds fine with that plan, right? That’s true, but only on the surface.


The Problem With Language Institutes

Language institutes plan to hold classes based on their own schedules, not their students'. As a result, it might have been difficult for some students to fit their language classes into their busy lives. Some of them waited for another semester, hoping that they might find something that fits in the next plan.

Another issue was about the location. Some students lived in a country, or a city where registering for a language course was difficult or impossible. The language institutes may have been in a different city or town, and the students were forced to spend a very long time commuting.

The institutes held a certain capacity and only practiced a few primary languages. As a result, not everyone could have the same opportunity to study the language they want. Moreover, if you were to hire a language tutor to teach you, you would have to pay a lot of money, which was not possible for many language enthusiasts.

Very troubling, right? Today, thanks to the internet and technological advancements, you can easily learn any language you want anytime, anywhere. What you need is only a smartphone.


Difficulty with Learning English Words

Vocabulary learning is an essential part of studying a new language, such as English. When you have a vast vocabulary knowledge, it is more likely for you to be better at reading comprehension and having a conversation with all sorts of people.

Many English learners find learning new words challenging. This happens due to a number of reasons. First of all, it is not easy to remember what has been recently learnt every time you need to use them. Some learners think if they repeat them several times, they can successfully transfer the new data to their memory storage. Well, that’s not how it works!

The average native speaker knows about 20,000 English words out of 170,000. This means that you should focus on what is practical for you. Each language has a number of words that are considered technical or jargon. Take some time to figure out which technical jargons are important to you.

A memory is only created when it is attached to something meaningful to you, whether it’s an emotion or a concept you already know. Besides, you need a repetition system or a memory technique, like spaced repetition technique, to help you remember a word for life. This suggests memorizing vocabulary left and right will not expand your vocabulary range.


What Can Negatively Impact Your Studies

What hurts the learners more than the retention issue is that they are surrounded by false information on how to expand their vocabulary. For example, there are still some people out there believing in memorizing bulky vocabulary books every day. While such a method is somehow effective, its effectiveness is only useful for a certain amount of time.

This is the major difference between passive and active vocabulary. When you understand what a word is or vaguely recognize them in conversation but are not sure about their meaning, what you have learned is passive. To make your vocabulary active you need to practice their use in the right context and that takes more than just memorizing.

The learners need a reliable method that practically teaches them only the words they will need in the future. A method that helps them use what is correct at the right moments. Learning new vocabulary through a reliable English learning app can remedy the traditional methods’ deficits and shortcomings. In a way, a vocabulary learning app provides users with a combination of the best methods available in the market.


Advantages of Learning New Words with an App

Mobile devices have considerable potential for improving vocabulary acquisition and language learning for learners worldwide. Through the right English vocabulary learning app, you can easily get your hands on top-notch methods and enjoy fun and bite-sized exercises instead of tolerating boring books and classes.

Technology has enabled us to access the latest and most practical information. For instance, did you know that you don’t have to know all the English words to become a great speaker? That’s right! Applications like WordUp provide only the vocabulary that matters and are mostly used among English speakers. Running on AI-powered technology, WordUp customizes the new words based on the users’ needs and helps them learn one by one.

In fact, one of the best merits of an English learning app is the opportunity to personalize what you see based on your requirements. Why waste time on things you already know or will never benefit you in the future? Learn only what you need or will help you out later.


How do People Remember Words for Life?

That is a recurrent question that many people ask. The best way to learn, especially new English words, is to learn them in the appropriate context, using practical teaching methodologies. That’s precisely why these apps are really effective.

Why? You can learn through various examples. In fact, the application providing the most examples can help you better than others because it provides you with a chance to learn the vocabulary in context. Furthermore, this way you will be able to better understand the collocation of words.

Collocation is an important part of any language. Do you conduct an experiment or do an experiment? While both phrases are grammatically correct one of them has the right collocation. You can only learn the right collocations through using them and seeing them be used in the right context,

In addition, It might be challenging to implement teaching and memory techniques in your daily studies. You don’t have to dedicate any extra time to these methods because those vocabulary learning applications have already implemented the techniques within the design scopes. So, why bother taking the longest road when you can have it in a blink of an eye?

Which App

Imagine learning new words anytime, anywhere, with one app on your mobile phone. In addition, you can also count on it to help you remember them more efficiently. Wouldn't that be great?

Choosing the right application is the challenge. Those studying English should be aware that the market is full of English learning and vocabulary apps. How can you decide which is best if you have more than one option? Is there an app on the market that stands out from the rest?

Currently rated 4.7 on Google Play and 4.8 on the App store, WordUp is one of the top language learning apps on the market. The WordUp app makes English accessible to everyone worldwide by combining cutting-edge technology and the latest language teaching methodologies. WordUp helps learners learn and remember new English words through a few simple steps:

  • Finding out where learners stand in terms of their English proficiency
  • Planning language improvement
  • Helping them discover English speakers’ most-used words 
  • Finally, encouraging learners to set study goals and to stick to them

The best thing about WordUp is that it gives you the opportunity to personalize your materials, such as the multimedia examples that appear for you. These examples help you learn the new words in context, grasp the meanings completely, and use the words correctly in real-life conversations. These are only some of the outstanding features of this app.

Get WordUp today and discover all it has to offer!

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